Posted by Laura Williams
15th October, 2020

Insights how brands can tap into alternative belief systems Insights how brands can tap into alternative belief systems

How brands can tap into alternative belief systems?

Against a backdrop of uncertainty and a growing lack of trust in traditional authorities and rational systems of ‘experts’, people are increasingly turning to alternative belief systems, ancient mythologies, and faith as guiding lights. As such, more people are turning towards experimenting with products and services that ‘feel right’ or resonate with their identity in an authentic way — an opportunity for brands to connect with consumers on a deeper level.

Tapping into a peaked consumer interest in astrology, dating app Bumble released a new feature allowing users to filter potential matches according to their star signs. Amazon also harnessed the trend by launching a feature that matches Prime members’ zodiac sign with its offerings while suggesting products and services according to their horoscope.

Whether it’s building astrology into your brand recommendations or tapping into other alternative modes of faith, authenticity and relatability are becoming key guides on how people choose who to listen to.

Research by leading behavioural insights agency, Canvas81 revealed what's causing it.

Elite distrust

Challenges to democracy and privacy concerns have knocked people’s confidence in traditional authorities. Who we choose who to believe and how we assess their honesty and reliability is now more commonly met with an instinctive scepticism.

Multiple truths

Online sources mean people have the world’s knowledge at their fingertips, but with multiple truths available from a wide range of sources, it's hard to decipher what is true and what is not. As a result, more people are choosing to be guided by their gut feelings and intuition.


The demand for products and services tailored to the individual is still on the rise. As people grow more accustomed to a personalised way of living and moving away from the idea of ‘one size fits all’ they are opening up to new and untested ideas that challenge the norm.

Spiritual advocates

Educated groups with disposable income are searching for greater meaning beyond consumerism. Brands that tap into ancient, natural, and cosmological practices are best placed to resonate with spiritual advocates looking for natural means to navigate their way through a digital and industrial world with an uncertain future.

Populist sympathisers

People who are tired of being dominated by an elite class and are keen to challenge authorities, whether it’s mainstream medical advice, government or large businesses. Brands who demonstrate real lived experience over expertise are best placed to resonate with this audience.

Digital natives

Digitally-savvy Gen Yers and Zers value authentic true-life depictions over manufactured expertise. They are placing their faith in personalities and challenger brands that feel like they speak to them personally.

Tap into faith

In summary, a continued decrease in trust for traditional authorities and rational systems led by experts, is generating more opportunities for brands to connect with consumers on an individual level by tapping into alternative belief systems and authentic, relatable, real-life moments.
