Feel-Good Brands is published by Beyond
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We are proud to announce that Beyond has attained the B Corp certification. We’ve always admired the movement and we’re excited to become part of the community.
3 minutes
Change the world in two minutes a day, how WeAre8 is building technology that will empower and unite people to solve the world’s biggest problems.
1 minute read
Don’t be fooled by the furry suit, The Cheeky Panda is serious about sustainability. Since launching in 2016, sales have shot up like a bamboo forest.
2 minute read
Chilly’s was founded in 2010 to provide people with the ability to always have cold water on-the-go, without having to buy single-use plastic water bottles.
Beyond hosted another Brand Talks LIVE webinar, delving deep into the topic of sustainable branding.
The laundry revolution continues as smol is shaking up an industry that has barely innovated for a century.
It’s hard to find positives amidst a global pandemic but if ever there was one, it’s that Britons have become increasingly mindful of the impact of food waste.
4 minute read
Michelin Guide Great Britain & Ireland 2021 highlights sustainability with new Green Michelin Star.
If ever there’s a year that we need Christmas the most, it’s got to be 2020. But how often do we think about the impact of the festive season on our planet?
People are becoming ever more conscious of climate change, which is driving further innovation in sustainable drinks packaging.
Research shows a lack of understanding around the terminology we use to talk about climate change. We created this eco-glossary to clarify some of those terms.
Companies can offset carbons emissions by funding projects that remove greenhouse gases. So why is the term ’offset’ facing increased criticism?
Now is not the time to focus on sales or stock levels. Actions taken now will forever be remembered by consumers with love and loyalty.
6 minute read
Feminine care with a conscience. Better for your body, for our planet and for womankind.
If one per cent of the Earth’s population subscribed to Offset Earth, together we would plant 900 million trees every month.
The Edelman Trust Barometer is a trust and credibility report. How does your brand measure up?
Dungarees are back with Lucy & Yak, the British fashion brand that manufactures products ethically and sustainably in India and the UK.
3 minute read
Slowing down fast fashion is not the solution, but taking waste materials at the end of the cycle and making new ones is making sustainable fashion a reality.
Sociable. Guerrilla. Bagging: a feel-good way to fight waste.